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266 lines
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266 lines
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package yqlib
import (
yaml "gopkg.in/yaml.v3"
type expressionScenario struct {
description string
subdescription string
environmentVariable string
document string
document2 string
expression string
expected []string
skipDoc bool
dontFormatInputForDoc bool // dont format input doc for documentation generation
func testScenario(t *testing.T, s *expressionScenario) {
var err error
node, err := NewExpressionParser().ParseExpression(s.expression)
if err != nil {
t.Error(fmt.Errorf("Error parsing expression %v of %v: %v", s.expression, s.description, err))
inputs := list.New()
if s.document != "" {
inputs, err = readDocuments(strings.NewReader(s.document), "sample.yml", 0)
if err != nil {
t.Error(err, s.document, s.expression)
if s.document2 != "" {
moreInputs, err := readDocuments(strings.NewReader(s.document2), "another.yml", 1)
if err != nil {
t.Error(err, s.document, s.expression)
} else {
candidateNode := &CandidateNode{
Document: 0,
Filename: "",
Node: &yaml.Node{Tag: "!!null", Kind: yaml.ScalarNode},
FileIndex: 0,
if s.environmentVariable != "" {
os.Setenv("myenv", s.environmentVariable)
context, err := newDataTreeNavigator().GetMatchingNodes(Context{MatchingNodes: inputs}, node)
if err != nil {
t.Error(fmt.Errorf("%v: %v", err, s.expression))
test.AssertResultComplexWithContext(t, s.expected, resultsToString(context.MatchingNodes), fmt.Sprintf("desc: %v\nexp: %v\ndoc: %v", s.description, s.expression, s.document))
func resultsToString(results *list.List) []string {
var pretty []string = make([]string, 0)
for el := results.Front(); el != nil; el = el.Next() {
n := el.Value.(*CandidateNode)
pretty = append(pretty, NodeToString(n))
return pretty
func writeOrPanic(w *bufio.Writer, text string) {
_, err := w.WriteString(text)
if err != nil {
func copyFromHeader(title string, out *os.File) error {
source := fmt.Sprintf("doc/headers/%v.md", title)
_, err := os.Stat(source)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil
in, err := os.Open(source) // nolint gosec
if err != nil {
return err
defer safelyCloseFile(in)
_, err = io.Copy(out, in)
return err
func formatYaml(yaml string, filename string) string {
var output bytes.Buffer
printer := NewPrinter(bufio.NewWriter(&output), false, true, false, 2, true)
node, err := NewExpressionParser().ParseExpression(".. style= \"\"")
if err != nil {
streamEvaluator := NewStreamEvaluator()
err = streamEvaluator.Evaluate(filename, strings.NewReader(yaml), node, printer)
if err != nil {
return output.String()
func documentScenarios(t *testing.T, title string, scenarios []expressionScenario) {
f, err := os.Create(fmt.Sprintf("doc/%v.md", title))
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
err = copyFromHeader(title, f)
if err != nil {
w := bufio.NewWriter(f)
writeOrPanic(w, "\n")
for _, s := range scenarios {
if !s.skipDoc {
documentScenario(t, w, s)
func documentScenario(t *testing.T, w *bufio.Writer, s expressionScenario) {
writeOrPanic(w, fmt.Sprintf("## %v\n", s.description))
if s.subdescription != "" {
writeOrPanic(w, s.subdescription)
writeOrPanic(w, "\n\n")
formattedDoc, formattedDoc2 := documentInput(w, s)
writeOrPanic(w, "will output\n")
documentOutput(t, w, s, formattedDoc, formattedDoc2)
func documentInput(w *bufio.Writer, s expressionScenario) (string, string) {
formattedDoc := ""
formattedDoc2 := ""
command := "eval"
envCommand := ""
if s.environmentVariable != "" {
envCommand = fmt.Sprintf("myenv=\"%v\" ", s.environmentVariable)
os.Setenv("myenv", s.environmentVariable)
if s.document != "" {
if s.dontFormatInputForDoc {
formattedDoc = s.document + "\n"
} else {
formattedDoc = formatYaml(s.document, "sample.yml")
writeOrPanic(w, "Given a sample.yml file of:\n")
writeOrPanic(w, fmt.Sprintf("```yaml\n%v```\n", formattedDoc))
files := "sample.yml"
if s.document2 != "" {
if s.dontFormatInputForDoc {
formattedDoc2 = s.document2 + "\n"
} else {
formattedDoc2 = formatYaml(s.document2, "another.yml")
writeOrPanic(w, "And another sample another.yml file of:\n")
writeOrPanic(w, fmt.Sprintf("```yaml\n%v```\n", formattedDoc2))
files = "sample.yml another.yml"
command = "eval-all"
writeOrPanic(w, "then\n")
if s.expression != "" {
writeOrPanic(w, fmt.Sprintf("```bash\n%vyq %v '%v' %v\n```\n", envCommand, command, s.expression, files))
} else {
writeOrPanic(w, fmt.Sprintf("```bash\n%vyq %v %v\n```\n", envCommand, command, files))
} else {
writeOrPanic(w, "Running\n")
writeOrPanic(w, fmt.Sprintf("```bash\n%vyq %v --null-input '%v'\n```\n", envCommand, command, s.expression))
return formattedDoc, formattedDoc2
func documentOutput(t *testing.T, w *bufio.Writer, s expressionScenario, formattedDoc string, formattedDoc2 string) {
var output bytes.Buffer
var err error
printer := NewPrinter(bufio.NewWriter(&output), false, true, false, 2, true)
node, err := NewExpressionParser().ParseExpression(s.expression)
if err != nil {
t.Error(fmt.Errorf("Error parsing expression %v of %v: %v", s.expression, s.description, err))
inputs := list.New()
if s.document != "" {
inputs, err = readDocuments(strings.NewReader(formattedDoc), "sample.yml", 0)
if err != nil {
t.Error(err, s.document, s.expression)
if s.document2 != "" {
moreInputs, err := readDocuments(strings.NewReader(formattedDoc2), "another.yml", 1)
if err != nil {
t.Error(err, s.document, s.expression)
} else {
candidateNode := &CandidateNode{
Document: 0,
Filename: "",
Node: &yaml.Node{Tag: "!!null", Kind: yaml.ScalarNode},
FileIndex: 0,
context, err := newDataTreeNavigator().GetMatchingNodes(Context{MatchingNodes: inputs}, node)
if err != nil {
t.Error(err, s.expression)
err = printer.PrintResults(context.MatchingNodes)
if err != nil {
t.Error(err, s.expression)
writeOrPanic(w, fmt.Sprintf("```yaml\n%v```\n\n", output.String()))