mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 06:15:37 +00:00

When the shell executing yq has no open stdin, os.Stdin.Stat() return nil and yq fails to continue. This commit fixes a missing verification on the result of os.Stdin.Stat() in the utils.processStdInArgs function and adds an acceptance test to cover this scenario in the future. This bug affects yq since version 4.26.1.
276 lines
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276 lines
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package cmd
import (
func isAutomaticOutputFormat() bool {
return outputFormat == "" || outputFormat == "auto" || outputFormat == "a"
func initCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) (string, []string, error) {
cmd.SilenceUsage = true
fileInfo, _ := os.Stdout.Stat()
if forceColor || (!forceNoColor && (fileInfo.Mode()&os.ModeCharDevice) != 0) {
colorsEnabled = true
expression, args, err := processArgs(args)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
if splitFileExpFile != "" {
splitExpressionBytes, err := os.ReadFile(splitFileExpFile)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
splitFileExp = string(splitExpressionBytes)
// backwards compatibility
if outputToJSON {
outputFormat = "json"
if writeInplace && (len(args) == 0 || args[0] == "-") {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("write in place flag only applicable when giving an expression and at least one file")
if frontMatter != "" && len(args) == 0 {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("front matter flag only applicable when giving an expression and at least one file")
if writeInplace && splitFileExp != "" {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("write in place cannot be used with split file")
if nullInput && len(args) > 0 {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot pass files in when using null-input flag")
inputFilename := ""
if len(args) > 0 {
inputFilename = args[0]
if inputFormat == "" || inputFormat == "auto" || inputFormat == "a" {
inputFormat = yqlib.FormatFromFilename(inputFilename)
_, err := yqlib.InputFormatFromString(inputFormat)
if err != nil {
// unknown file type, default to yaml
yqlib.GetLogger().Debug("Unknown file format extension '%v', defaulting to yaml", inputFormat)
inputFormat = "yaml"
if isAutomaticOutputFormat() {
outputFormat = "yaml"
} else if isAutomaticOutputFormat() {
// automatic input worked, we can do it for output too unless specified
if inputFormat == "json" {
yqlib.GetLogger().Warning("JSON file output is now JSON by default (instead of yaml). Use '-oy' or '--output-format=yaml' for yaml output")
outputFormat = inputFormat
} else if isAutomaticOutputFormat() {
// backwards compatibility -
// before this was introduced, `yq -pcsv things.csv`
// would produce *yaml* output.
outputFormat = yqlib.FormatFromFilename(inputFilename)
if inputFilename != "-" {
yqlib.GetLogger().Warning("yq default output is now 'auto' (based on the filename extension). Normally yq would output '%v', but for backwards compatibility 'yaml' has been set. Please use -oy to specify yaml, or drop the -p flag.", outputFormat)
outputFormat = "yaml"
outputFormatType, err := yqlib.OutputFormatFromString(outputFormat)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
yqlib.GetLogger().Debug("Using input format %v", inputFormat)
yqlib.GetLogger().Debug("Using output format %v", outputFormat)
if outputFormatType == yqlib.YamlOutputFormat ||
outputFormatType == yqlib.PropsOutputFormat {
unwrapScalar = true
if unwrapScalarFlag.IsExplicitlySet() {
unwrapScalar = unwrapScalarFlag.IsSet()
//copy preference form global setting
yqlib.ConfiguredYamlPreferences.UnwrapScalar = unwrapScalar
yqlib.ConfiguredYamlPreferences.PrintDocSeparators = !noDocSeparators
return expression, args, nil
func configureDecoder(evaluateTogether bool) (yqlib.Decoder, error) {
yqlibInputFormat, err := yqlib.InputFormatFromString(inputFormat)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
yqlibDecoder, err := createDecoder(yqlibInputFormat, evaluateTogether)
if yqlibDecoder == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no support for %s input format", inputFormat)
return yqlibDecoder, err
func createDecoder(format yqlib.InputFormat, evaluateTogether bool) (yqlib.Decoder, error) {
switch format {
case yqlib.LuaInputFormat:
return yqlib.NewLuaDecoder(yqlib.ConfiguredLuaPreferences), nil
case yqlib.XMLInputFormat:
return yqlib.NewXMLDecoder(yqlib.ConfiguredXMLPreferences), nil
case yqlib.PropertiesInputFormat:
return yqlib.NewPropertiesDecoder(), nil
case yqlib.JsonInputFormat:
return yqlib.NewJSONDecoder(), nil
case yqlib.CSVObjectInputFormat:
return yqlib.NewCSVObjectDecoder(','), nil
case yqlib.TSVObjectInputFormat:
return yqlib.NewCSVObjectDecoder('\t'), nil
case yqlib.TomlInputFormat:
return yqlib.NewTomlDecoder(), nil
case yqlib.YamlInputFormat:
prefs := yqlib.ConfiguredYamlPreferences
prefs.EvaluateTogether = evaluateTogether
return yqlib.NewYamlDecoder(prefs), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid decoder: %v", format)
func configurePrinterWriter(format yqlib.PrinterOutputFormat, out io.Writer) (yqlib.PrinterWriter, error) {
var printerWriter yqlib.PrinterWriter
if splitFileExp != "" {
colorsEnabled = forceColor
splitExp, err := yqlib.ExpressionParser.ParseExpression(splitFileExp)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad split document expression: %w", err)
printerWriter = yqlib.NewMultiPrinterWriter(splitExp, format)
} else {
printerWriter = yqlib.NewSinglePrinterWriter(out)
return printerWriter, nil
func configureEncoder() (yqlib.Encoder, error) {
yqlibOutputFormat, err := yqlib.OutputFormatFromString(outputFormat)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
yqlibEncoder, err := createEncoder(yqlibOutputFormat)
if yqlibEncoder == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no support for %s output format", outputFormat)
return yqlibEncoder, err
func createEncoder(format yqlib.PrinterOutputFormat) (yqlib.Encoder, error) {
switch format {
case yqlib.JSONOutputFormat:
return yqlib.NewJSONEncoder(indent, colorsEnabled, unwrapScalar), nil
case yqlib.PropsOutputFormat:
return yqlib.NewPropertiesEncoder(unwrapScalar), nil
case yqlib.CSVOutputFormat:
return yqlib.NewCsvEncoder(','), nil
case yqlib.TSVOutputFormat:
return yqlib.NewCsvEncoder('\t'), nil
case yqlib.YamlOutputFormat:
return yqlib.NewYamlEncoder(indent, colorsEnabled, yqlib.ConfiguredYamlPreferences), nil
case yqlib.XMLOutputFormat:
return yqlib.NewXMLEncoder(indent, yqlib.ConfiguredXMLPreferences), nil
case yqlib.TomlOutputFormat:
return yqlib.NewTomlEncoder(), nil
case yqlib.ShellVariablesOutputFormat:
return yqlib.NewShellVariablesEncoder(), nil
case yqlib.LuaOutputFormat:
return yqlib.NewLuaEncoder(yqlib.ConfiguredLuaPreferences), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid encoder: %v", format)
// this is a hack to enable backwards compatibility with githubactions (which pipe /dev/null into everything)
// and being able to call yq with the filename as a single parameter
// without this - yq detects there is stdin (thanks githubactions),
// then tries to parse the filename as an expression
func maybeFile(str string) bool {
yqlib.GetLogger().Debugf("checking '%v' is a file", str)
stat, err := os.Stat(str) // #nosec
result := err == nil && !stat.IsDir()
if yqlib.GetLogger().IsEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) {
if err != nil {
yqlib.GetLogger().Debugf("error: %v", err)
} else {
yqlib.GetLogger().Debugf("error: %v, dir: %v", err, stat.IsDir())
yqlib.GetLogger().Debugf("result: %v", result)
return result
func processStdInArgs(args []string) []string {
stat, err := os.Stdin.Stat()
if err != nil {
yqlib.GetLogger().Debugf("error getting stdin: %v", err)
pipingStdin := stat != nil && (stat.Mode()&os.ModeCharDevice) == 0
// if we've been given a file, don't automatically
// read from stdin.
// this happens if there is more than one argument
// or only one argument and its a file
if nullInput || !pipingStdin || len(args) > 1 || (len(args) > 0 && maybeFile(args[0])) {
return args
for _, arg := range args {
if arg == "-" {
return args
yqlib.GetLogger().Debugf("missing '-', adding it to the end")
// we're piping from stdin, but there's no '-' arg
// lets add one to the end
return append(args, "-")
func processArgs(originalArgs []string) (string, []string, error) {
expression := forceExpression
if expressionFile != "" {
expressionBytes, err := os.ReadFile(expressionFile)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
//replace \r\n (windows) with good ol' unix file endings.
expression = strings.ReplaceAll(string(expressionBytes), "\r\n", "\n")
args := processStdInArgs(originalArgs)
yqlib.GetLogger().Debugf("processed args: %v", args)
if expression == "" && len(args) > 0 && args[0] != "-" && !maybeFile(args[0]) {
yqlib.GetLogger().Debug("assuming expression is '%v'", args[0])
expression = args[0]
args = args[1:]
return expression, args, nil