update 117 and add 117 to readme

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ShusenTang 2019-06-14 00:27:47 +08:00
parent 7287cefddd
commit bdaf269f54
2 changed files with 42 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ LeetCode solutions with Chinese explanation. LeetCode中文题解。
| 113 |[Path Sum II](https://leetcode.com/problems/path-sum-ii/)|[C++](https://github.com/ShusenTang/LeetCode/blob/master/solutions/113.%20Path%20Sum%20II.md)|Medium| |
| 114 |[Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List](https://leetcode.com/problems/flatten-binary-tree-to-linked-list/)|[C++](https://github.com/ShusenTang/LeetCode/blob/master/solutions/114.%20Flatten%20Binary%20Tree%20to%20Linked%20List.md)|Medium| |
| 116 |[Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node](https://leetcode.com/problems/populating-next-right-pointers-in-each-node/)|[C++](https://github.com/ShusenTang/LeetCode/blob/master/solutions/116.%20Populating%20Next%20Right%20Pointers%20in%20Each%20Node.md)|Medium| |
| 117 |[Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II](https://leetcode.com/problems/populating-next-right-pointers-in-each-node-ii/)|[C++](https://github.com/ShusenTang/LeetCode/blob/master/solutions/117.%20Populating%20Next%20Right%20Pointers%20in%20Each%20Node%20II.md)|Medium| |
| 118 |[Pascal's Triangle](https://leetcode.com/problems/pascals-triangle)|[C++](https://github.com/ShusenTang/LeetCode/blob/master/solutions/118.%20Pascal's%20Triangle.md)|Easy| |
| 119 |[Pascal's Triangle II](https://leetcode.com/problems/pascals-triangle-ii)|[C++](https://github.com/ShusenTang/LeetCode/blob/master/solutions/119.%20Pascal's%20Triangle%20II.md)|Easy| |
| 121 |[Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock](https://leetcode.com/problems/best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock)|[C++](https://github.com/ShusenTang/LeetCode/blob/master/solutions/121.%20Best%20Time%20to%20Buy%20and%20Sell%20Stock.md)|Easy| |

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@ -4,9 +4,11 @@
## 思路一
最好想的还是递归: 如果root的左右子树都已经串好了的话那么我们只需要将左子树每一层的最右边的节点的next指向右子树对应层最左边节点即可。
最好想的还是递归: 如果root的左右子树都已经串好了的话那么我们只需要将左子树每一层的最右边的节点(代码中用last_left表示)的next指向右子树对应层最左边节点(代码中用start_right表示)即可。
我们分别用start_left和start_right代表左右子树某层的最开始节点。然后我们可以从start_left一路向右(即一路next)找到左子树此层最右边那个节点last_left, 然后我们将其next指向start_right然后更新指针start_left和start_right进入下一层。
## 思路二
# C++
## 思路一
@ -14,25 +16,27 @@
class Solution {
Node* connect(Node* root) {
if(root == NULL) return NULL;
if(root == NULL) return NULL; // 递归出口
Node *start_left = connect(root -> left);
Node *start_right = connect(root -> right);
while(start_left && start_right){
Node *last_left = start_left;
while(last_left -> next) last_left = last_left -> next;
last_left -> next = start_right;
while(!start_left->left &&
!start_left->right &&
start_left -> next != start_right)
// 更新start_left
while(!start_left->left && // 无左子树
!start_left->right && // 无右子树
start_left -> next != start_right) // 不是此层最后一个节点
start_left = start_left -> next;
if(start_left -> left) start_left = start_left -> left;
else start_left = start_left -> right;
while(!start_right->left &&
!start_right->right &&
start_right -> next)
// 更新start_right
while(!start_right->left && // 无左子树
!start_right->right && // 无右子树
start_right -> next) // 不是此层最后一个节点
start_right = start_right -> next;
if(start_right -> left) start_right = start_right -> left;
else start_right = start_right -> right;
@ -44,3 +48,30 @@ public:
## 思路二
``` C++
class Solution {
Node* connect(Node* root) {
Node *head = new Node(0, NULL, NULL, NULL);
Node *p = root, *cur = head;
if(p -> left){
cur -> next = p -> left;
cur = cur -> next;
if(p -> right){
cur -> next = p -> right;
cur = cur -> next;
p = p -> next;
if(!p){ // 到达一层的结尾
p = head -> next;
head -> next = NULL; // 清空头结点
cur = head;
return root;