2.6 KiB
{% hint style="warning" %} Note that versions prior to 4.18 require the 'eval/e' command to be specified.
yq e <exp> <file>
{% endhint %}
Encode CSV simple
Given a sample.yml file of:
- [i, like, csv]
- [because, excel, is, cool]
yq -o=csv sample.yml
will output
Encode TSV simple
Given a sample.yml file of:
- [i, like, csv]
- [because, excel, is, cool]
yq -o=tsv sample.yml
will output
i like csv
because excel is cool
Encode array of objects to csv
Add the header row manually, then the we convert each object into an array of values - resulting in an array of arrays. Nice thing about this method is you can pick the columns and call the header whatever you like.
Given a sample.yml file of:
- name: Gary
numberOfCats: 1
likesApples: true
height: 168.8
- name: Samantha's Rabbit
numberOfCats: 2
likesApples: false
height: -188.8
yq -o=csv '[["Name", "Number of Cats"]] + [.[] | [.name, .numberOfCats ]]' sample.yml
will output
Name,Number of Cats
Samantha's Rabbit,2
Encode array of objects to csv - generic
This is a little trickier than the previous example - we dynamically work out the $header, and use that to automatically create the value arrays.
Given a sample.yml file of:
- name: Gary
numberOfCats: 1
likesApples: true
height: 168.8
- name: Samantha's Rabbit
numberOfCats: 2
likesApples: false
height: -188.8
yq -o=csv '(.[0] | keys | .[] ) as $header | [[$header]] + [.[] | [ .[$header] ]]' sample.yml
will output
Samantha's Rabbit,2,false,-188.8
Parse CSV into an array of objects
First row is assumed to define the fields
Given a sample.csv file of:
Samantha's Rabbit,2,false,-188.8
yq -p=csv sample.csv
will output
- name: Gary
numberOfCats: 1
likesApples: true
height: 168.8
- name: Samantha's Rabbit
numberOfCats: 2
likesApples: false
height: -188.8
Parse TSV into an array of objects
First row is assumed to define the fields
Given a sample.tsv file of:
name numberOfCats likesApples height
Gary 1 true 168.8
Samantha's Rabbit 2 false -188.8
yq -p=tsv sample.tsv
will output
- name: Gary
numberOfCats: 1
likesApples: true
height: 168.8
- name: Samantha's Rabbit
numberOfCats: 2
likesApples: false
height: -188.8