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# Upgrading from V3
Version 4 of `yq` is quite different from previous versions (and I apologise for that) - however it will be very familiar if you have used `jq` before as it now uses a similar syntax. Most commands that you could do in `v3` are longer in `v4` as a result of having a more expressive syntax language.
Note that `v4` by default now:
* prints all documents of a yaml file.
* prints in color (when outputting to a terminal).
* document separators are printed out by default
## How to do v3 things in v4:
In `v3` yq had seperate commands for reading/writing/deleting and more. In `v4` all these have been embedded into a single expression you specify to either the `eval` command (which runs the expression against each yaml document for each file given in sequence) or the `eval-all` command, which reads all documents of all files, and runs the given expression once.
Many flags from `v3` have been put into the expression language, for instance `stripComments` allowing you to specify which nodes to strip comments from instead of only being able to apply the flag to the entire document.
Lets have a look at the commands for the most common tasks:
### Navigating
yq r sample.yaml 'a.b.c'
yq '.a.b.c' sample.yaml
### Reading with default value
yq r sample.yaml --defaultValue frog path.not.there
v4: (use the [alternative](broken-reference) operator)
yq '.path.not.there // "frog"' sample.yaml
### Finding nodes
yq r sample.yaml 'a.(b.d==cat).f'
yq '.a | select(.b.d == "cat") | .f' sample.yaml
### Recursively match nodes
yq r sample.yaml 'thing.**.name'
yq '.thing | .. | select(has("name"))' sample.yaml
### Multiple documents
yq r -d1 sample.yaml 'b.c'
v4 (via the document index operator):
yq 'select(documentIndex == 1) | .b.c' sample.yml
### Updating / writing documents
yq w sample.yaml 'a.b.c' fred
yq '.a.b.c = "fred"' sample.yaml
### Deleting documents
yq d sample.yaml 'a.b.c'
yq 'del(.a.b.c)' sample.yaml
### Merging documents
Like `jq`, merge is done via the multiply operator. In yq, the merge operator can take extra options to modify how it works.
For `v3` compatability, use the `n` option to only merge in new fields.
yq '. *n load("file2.yaml")' file1.yaml
See the [multiply documentation](https://mikefarah.gitbook.io/yq/operators/multiply-merge) for more example and options.
### Prefix yaml
Use the [Create / Collect Into Object ](broken-reference)operator to create a new object with the desired prefix.
yq p data1.yaml c.d
yq '{"c": {"d": . }}' data1.yml
### Create new yaml documents
Note that in v4 you can no longer run expressions against an empty file to populate it - because the file is empty, there are no matches for `yq` to run through the expression pipeline - for what it's worth, this is what `jq` does as well. Instead use the `--null-input/-n` flag and pipe out the results to the file you want directly (see example below).
yq n b.c cat
yq -n '.b.c = "cat"'
### Validate documents
yq validate some.file
yq 'true' some.file > /dev/null
Note that passing 'true' as the expression saves having to reencode the yaml (only to pipe it to stdout). In v4 you can also do a slightly more sophisticated validation and assert the tag on the root level, so you can ensure the yaml file is a map or array at the top level:
yq --exit-status 'tag == "!!map" or tag== "!!seq"' some.file > /dev/null
### Comparing yaml files
yq compare --prettyPrint file1.yml file2.yml
In v4 there is no built in compare command, instead it relies on using diff. The downside is longer syntax, the upside is that you can use the full power of diff.
diff <(yq -P file1.yml) <(yq -P file2.yml)
### Script files
v3 had a script feature that let you run an array of commands specified in a file in one go. The format for this looked like
- command: update
path: a.key1
value: things
- command: delete
path: a.ab.key2
V4 doesn't have a similar feature, however the fact that you can run multiple operations in a single expression makes it easier to come up with a shell script that does the same thing:
yq '
.a.key1 = "things" |
' ./examples/data1.yaml
### Some new things you can do in v4:
Construct dynamic yaml [maps ](broken-reference)and [arrays ](broken-reference)based on input yaml
Using the [union ](broken-reference)operator, you can run multiple updates in one go and read multiple paths in one go
Fine grain merging of maps using the [multiply](broken-reference) operator
Read and and control yaml metadata better (e.g. [tags](broken-reference), [paths](broken-reference), [document indexes](broken-reference), [anchors and aliases](broken-reference), [comments](broken-reference)).
Work with multiple files (not just for merge)
The underlying expression language is much more powerful than `v3` so expect to see more features soon!