
913 B

Number subtraction - float

If the lhs or rhs are floats then the expression will be calculated with floats.

Given a sample.yml file of:

a: 3
b: 4.5


yq eval '.a = .a - .b' sample.yml

will output

a: -1.5
b: 4.5

Number subtraction - float

If the lhs or rhs are floats then the expression will be calculated with floats.

Given a sample.yml file of:

a: 3
b: 4.5


yq eval '.a = .a - .b' sample.yml

will output

a: -1.5
b: 4.5

Number subtraction - int

If both the lhs and rhs are ints then the expression will be calculated with ints.

Given a sample.yml file of:

a: 3
b: 4


yq eval '.a = .a - .b' sample.yml

will output

a: -1
b: 4

Decrement numbers

Given a sample.yml file of:

a: 3
b: 5


yq eval '.[] -= 1' sample.yml

will output

a: 2
b: 4